WARNING: This post contains opinions that some readers may find offensive, and the views within are not necessarily (and most likely aren't) those held by Lazy Gramophone, and possibly not even me. As I trawl endlessly through the bowels of dating websites, I see it time and time again: "I despise people with bad grammar”, "I'm anal about grammar, you must know what to do with a colon” etc etc. In terms of frequency, particularly on the Guardian Soulmates site, it's up there with "must have GSOH”, and "into cinema”. Of course what these people invariably refer to is spelling and punctuation, which technically isn't a part of grammar... read more
From Willipedia, the Free Encyclopaedophile This article refers to SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) and PIPA (Protect IP Act). For other uses see Soap or Pippa Middleton (disambiguation). As you will know, SOPA and PIPA are two contentious Acts which are being discussed by the Senate in the US at the moment. Battling online piracy and protecting the public are the supposed aims. Has piracy gotten worse? We used to get CDs out from the library and dub them or buy a copy of an overpriced album between a handful of friends. I always had blank cassettes so was happy to pay a quid to have a copy. Nearly all my music was on... read more
The internet and social networks like twitter have changed the way people access information as well as the way that creative people relate to their audiences. Everyone knows that, so I do not need to spend any time convincing you. If you like a particular comedian you expect access to free clips or jokes; if you like a particular writer, access to free articles; if you like a particular musician, links to free music. Indeed, free music and journalism, in their abundance now seem to many to be a god-given right. I have heard a few people share their thoughts on how the internet has meant artists having... read more
I don't read the news very much. Sadly I have heard of the Sun and the News of the World and all these other vitriolic printed bog rolls. They are everywhere. I'm not just talking about the physical waste paper on the buses and in the gutters, but that mental litter that is a little harder to dispose of or recycle. The ideas planted in the heads of the public are hard to shake. Although we may forget facts and figures, we build upon feelings of animosity or fear. At best these tabloids are mindless nonsense, promoting ignorance in an already dwindling intellectual population; watered down non-news. At worst they are seeds of hatred planted... read more
We are preparing for our next release in the LG shorts series of illustrations and prose; to be published in a limited edition this Autumn. To start the process off we are running a competition for the theme of this 3rd book to be chosen. The chosen theme/title from all the entries will be the basis of the collaborative work within the booklet. The winning entry will receive a free copy of the book upon publication. Read more about the LG Shorts Series here & here . Submit your theme idea (one only please) to shortscomp@lazygramophone.com The winner will be notified later in the Summer.... read more
Introduction Over the last few months I have been working with my good friend Paul Bloom on an idea called 'The Land of Phutt' . Our initial plan was to build a blog and each month use it to peer deeper and deeper into this mysterious land - so slowly revealing more about our hero, the landscape and the strange creatures that surround him. We therefore set to work - I composing plot lines and he composing images. A couple of months past and we suddenly realised that not only did we have enough material to fill our blog many times over, but also, that we had somehow established a very neat narrative! On reflection then, we have decided that... read more
Lazy Gramophone is enormously happy to announce that we are now in partnership with Rooms Art Uncovered Magazine . Like us, Rooms Magazine is: ' ...an independent and open organisation based in London, with the main objective to facillitate better connections between the art community and the wider public. In Rooms we are working on a series of projects with the intention of providing an easy link for interchange, collaboration and promotion of creative thinking. ' As a result of our partnership, the first thing you will notice is that the Rooms Magazine logo has nestled itself at the top of our site. We will also be selling copies of Rooms Magazine... read more
F ado is an oral tradition of speculative origin. Though widely accepted as evolving from the songs of the Moors due to their inherent melancholy, but equally thought to have evolved from either the Lundum music of Brazillian slaves or the Cantigas de Amigo of middle-age minstrels ( www.fado.com ), it is strange that any claim of authenticity even developed, however a new breed of Fadistas such as Mariza, whoc is considered a contentious figure amongst lovers of Fado, shows us that the question of authenticity is well and truly alive. With this in mind, the parameters that I set for my own search for authenticity... read more
Lazy Gramophone Artist Vincent Prince will be running for charity, here's why ... "I've suffered from bi-polar since my early twenties, the brief stints of unbridled, frenzied mania are pretty good, but the depression is a lousy, stinking thing to live with. I'm lucky, in so far as I have a solid support structure of friends and family around me, who are there for me when I need to get back from France, after I don't know how I got there. There are a lot of my fellow nutters who aren't so fortunate, and that's why I've decided to run the Edinburgh half-marathon in aid of them. Despite my personal experience... read more
We here at Lazy Gramophone Press are currently celebrating the publication of our fifth book: Will Conway Tastes of Ink: A message; A history; A quest; A passing; A death sentence; A claim; A sacrifice; A confession; A loss; Nine stories, some sweet, some rather unsavoury... but all very tasty. W ill Conway's first book, complete with illustrations by Daniel Chidgey, is a collection of short stories about life, death and everything in between. To mark this new release we held a Tastes of Ink Book Launch at The Betsey Trotwood, last Sunday 27th March 2011. In honour of his... read more