Available to buy now from our online shop! A message; A history; A quest; A passing; A death sentence; A claim; A sacrifice; A confession; A loss; Nine stories, some sweet, some rather unsavoury... but all very tasty. Will Conway's first book, complete with illustrations by Daniel Chidgey, is a collection of short stories about life, death and everything in between. " His work is beautiful but challenging and forces you to enter his complex, at times disturbing, thought process. ” ~ Ellie Besley, RIH Magazine In today's world it can sometimes be hard to remember the intimacy of creation. By... read more
Valentine's day eh? Ask anyone what it means and it is likely that the most interesting response you'll get is that it's the day when you have to buy your girlfriend flowers which are suddenly more expensive even though you don't usually buy flowers so you don't really know how much they actually cost anyway. Let's not pretend we're really celebrating the martyrdom of a possible priest in Roma who was decapitated for secretly marrying Catholics although it was against the law- as if anyone even cares where the celebration originates from. Whatever the story is, somehow it developed into the licence-to-print-money concept of the Valentine's... read more
Today I found out about Darth Vader being caught for fare-dodging on the train. The chap had changed his name for charity in 1999 when Lucasarts released the Fandom Menace. Even his wife (Sue Vader) had taken his name so I joked that maybe they had a daughter called Fairy. My Sun-style pun was not well received by my colleagues, unsurprisingly. (Go-Ogle the story if you're really interested but there's not much more to it) A conversation on fare-evading ensued and I remembered a sign I had seen on the train a while back which asked for fellow passengers to text a certain number if they suspected fare-dodging. Tickled by such a terrifyingly... read more
You can now subscribe to our Lazy Gramophone Shorts series. A subscription will cost £25 if your postal address is in the UK and £35 if you require postage to an international destination. Once you have subscribed we will send you an email confirming your subscription. This will act as a valid receipt for the following four editions of our Lazy Gramophone shorts series. Once you have subscribed there will be no further postage fees, simply sit back and wait for your books to arrive upon their release. Visit our Lazy Gramophone Shop to place your order LG Shorts: Quasi-quarterly collections of illustrated short stories and verse.
We have... read more
(I just found this on my computer so I thought I'd post it) I was pestered by dreams last night of incorrect passwords and screens freezing, as well as spooning an ex girlfriend but not having sex. I couldn't get the screen lock off my mobile to make an important call and my computer was not working. There were flashes of dystopian shopping centres and automated services as well as locked doors with no handle. Access denied was clearly the motif. Waking from dreams like that always depresses me somewhat. I hate when modern technology infiltrates my unconscious rest. How sad it is to be dreaming of technology. The idea of some committee... read more
I'll tell you what's futile. Writing a review of an album that came out in 2004 when its 2011. But being a child spawned of the Sex Pistols, Tori Amos and The Smiths I came to Eminem late and drip fed. When I began to give him my attention, I realised Eminem was raps answer to Morrissey, and I'm a sucker for a primal beat so I became a fan pretty quickly. I digest one album at a time; Eminem's Encore won the most recent lottery. I found it so comprehensive that, as a writer who once said I couldn't make music for shit but could listen to it better than anyone else, I had to sit down and write about it. First thing I understood was, this is one album... read more
So 30 years have passed since the Salinger-obsessed Texan came from Hawaii to shoot one of the most influential musicians of all time outside his home in New York. I was going to write yesterday but due to time differences and the aforementioned songwriter's fixation on the number 9 some argue that 'technically in Britain he died on the 9th.' Meanwhile back in Manhattan 'fans' crowded outside Lennon's widow's window crying and singing, among others, a song his previous partner wrote to his estranged son. The problem with making such wonderful music is that any other fool might love it too. A Beatle is everybody's property. I have often heard... read more
This journal is the sixth in a series of pieces I expect to write about those certain 'elements' of life that inspire and influence my writing. I think it's important to acknowledge these elements, as essentially they represent the root of our craft, they are the seeds that precede the fruit of our labour, the 'components' without which our thoughts, our images, our music, our words, simply would not exist. I hope you enjoy my ramblings and in return I would love to hear all about the things that inspire and influence you. After all, "without sharing, the imagination becomes little more than an echo of itself." Part Six: Scribbling... read more
Lazy Gramophone Shorts: Quasi-quarterly collections of illustrated short stories and verse. The second in our Lazy Gramophone Shorts Series, 'Guilt' is in production at the moment and due for release on October 30th at our stall in Brick Lane. Like the first in the series, 'Skeletons in the Closet' , this booklet is the collaborative effort of seven writers and illustrators. We set a theme and then ask Lazy Gramophone members and two competition winners to create a piece of work based on or inspired by the theme. With 'Skeletons', the writers started and then passed their story to an illustrator to visually... read more
This journal is the fifth in a series of pieces I expect to write about those certain 'elements' of life that inspire and influence my writing. I think it's important to acknowledge these elements, as essentially they represent the root of our craft, they are the seeds that precede the fruit of our labour, the 'components' without which our thoughts, our images, our music, our words, simply would not exist. I hope you enjoy my ramblings and in return I would love to hear all about the things that inspire and influence you. After all, "without sharing, the imagination becomes little more than an echo of itself." ... read more