Green Dobermans Book Launch

7:30pm - 10:30pm
When: On Thursday, 22nd September, 2011 from 7:30pm - 10:30pm
Where: RAILROAD CAFE 120-122 Morning Lane Hackney E9 6LH
Promoter: Lazy Gramophone Press
To celebrate the launch of our latest publication we will be holding a book launch with readings from the author and 1st edition copies of the book on sale.

The poems within Green Dobermans often emerge and unravel through dream: a new country is drawn in an imagined future only to reveal its history; familiar capital cities blur and collide; personal explorations of love as well as death rise to the surface of lakes, forests, and the city; green dobermans race across the sleeping mind while stars adjust their constellations and blessed horses gather around the lip of an oval lake.

Liz Adams is a London-based writer and researcher. She has an M A in Creative Writing from the University of East Anglia. Her work has been published in several places, in print and online. Her current research looks at the emotions of envy and seduction.

"Liz Adams takes us on intimate journeys that we might never see but want to know. From the silver mines of Bolivia to surreal green dobermans in Santiago. New countries breaking open on every page. Moths batting on the light. Here's a brand new voice, a first collection: 'sharp in its own air.' ~ Carol Watts co-directs the Centre for Poetics, Birkbeck, University of London

The Railroad Cafe serves really great food and drinks and is open till 10:30.

Green Dobermans is now available to pre-order from our shop. Orders will be dispatched on 23rd September. If you just can't wait then come along to the book launch which will be the first opportunity to get hold of a copy.
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