Power, everyone wants it, not all of us get it. Tolkein displays the common human need in the metaphor of a ring...simple, but effective, I feel. Although, I find it ironic that everybody is... read more
Pigs grunt, cows moo and ducks quack, the animal kingdom find ways to comunicate with each other. But one of the things that makes us distinctly different to our animal friends is our complex... read more
No man is an island, instead we exist on a shared plane affecting and effected by each other. And one of the predominant features of social beings is our capacity to learn from the people around... read more
I sat on my miserable commute out of the concrete jungle, minding my own business one evening after work when my daze into the abyss was disturbed by a disgruntled tourist claiming that 'it... read more
The parties are over, the hangovers are still lingering and there is a whole lot of mess to clear up; the new year rarely starts as we hope it will. Grand resolutions of hard work often get... read more
Mumbai, India. Holy cow! Be prepared for the madness. People everywhere and cars - so many cars - like a car factory with a bottle neck problem. All driving to their own personal rules... read more
After serious and studious self-assessments and empirical experiments I would like to offer my scientific extractions on the internal workings of the most marvellous and mysterious human... read more
Eggs crack. That's what they do. And they become something new. A scrambled egg, a boiled egg, a poached-to-the-point-of-perfection egg. Butterflies had their past lives, and bees are only bees... read more