Events of wonder

, beauty and magnificence, brought to you by us and our artists. If there is an event here, we strongly advise you not only turn up and view our treats with your very own eyes, but also, that you turn up looking as dapper as humanly possible.

Andrew Walter at the Macbeth Gallery

until 20/04/2008
When: On Monday, 14th April, 2008 at 7:00pm until Sunday, 20th April, 2008 at 12:00pm
Where: The Macbeth Gallery, 70 Hoxton st, London N1 6LP
Promoter: LG Artists

ANDREW WALTER IS AN ILLUSTRATOR... ...and bad tempered sod currently being kicked out of South London. He graduated from Kingston University in the summer of 2007 with a BA in Illustration and is now chipping away at establishing his freelance career. Drawing takes priority in his work, but he yearns for the day he can tackle some printmaking again. He has exhibited at a number of previous Lazy Gramophone presents... events in the past, as well as at the group exhibition A Word In Your Eye, in conjunction with Write To Ignite festival... read more

Indie Davies at the Macbeth Gallery

until 18/03/2008
When: On Monday, 3rd March, 2008 at 12:00pm until Tuesday, 18th March, 2008 at 12:00pm
Where: The Macbeth Gallery, 70 Hoxton st, London N1 6LP
Promoter: LG artists

INDI GRADUATED IN SUMMER 2007... ...from Goldsmiths college London. She is currently working as a freelance illustrator/ designer in London. Her first solo show 'masters of stationary' previewed at Macbeth galleryin winter 2007 which then toured to Bristol. Recent commissions includeartwork for the London 2008 Ladyfest, live visuals for the emerging singer/producer Nic Nell at the Amersham Arms in conjunction with visual performance artists SKIPtheatre, merchandise design and photography for london DJ Goldierocks, artist in residence for the weekly... read more

Tom the Pen at the Macbeth Gallery - 2008

until 20/01/2008
When: On Monday, 7th January, 2008 at 12:00pm until Sunday, 20th January, 2008 at 12:00pm
Where: The Macbeth Gallery, 70 Hoxton st, London N1 6LP
Promoter: LG artists

THE ENTIRE ROOM WALLPAPERED. Pens left available. The public draw and Tom adapts. Over 3 weeks the room grew into a city of illustration, layers of drawings mingling, joining, morphing into a network of communication. ... read more

When: On Saturday, 22nd September, 2007 from 7:00pm - 2:00am
Where: The Macbeth, 70 Hoxton st, London N1 6LP
Promoter: LG presents

Scroobius Pip IF YOU WERE THERE... ...let me say it was my honour to have you there. If you missed it, save your excuses. It was one of the most magical moments in my life and I didn't even perform!!! I realise I have to explain further. Danny (other half of Lazy G) and I knew it was going to be a special night. Ever since Joshua Idehen (part of PIP) talked to me about a battle of Pip Vs PIP and asking Lazy G to do it, conversations now and then between me and Danny thought this could be a great night, how wrong, it was unbelievable! We started... read more

LG presents... First gig!

12:00pm - 2:00am
When: On Tuesday, 12th September, 2006 from 12:00pm - 2:00am
Where: The Luminaire, Kilburn High Road, London
Promoter: LG presents

LAZY WILL BE HOSTING... ...its first live event on 2nd September at the Luminaire. A night of live music, poetry readings and artwork a plenty for thee all. Lazy Gramophone presents... our first ever gig! Arranged to launch LG press' debut publication Satsuma Sun-mover by Adam Green. With a good number of folk turning up this spurred us on to run more LG presents... events. Photos by Markus Cinch ... read more

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