Sam's profile

Journal Archive

Written by Sam Rawlings on Wednesday the 15th of June 2011

After spending ten frustrating minutes attempting to locate a particular paragraph of writing from within my profile, I reluctantly set myself the task of organising my journals into this archive. In general, I am not particularly bent on organisation, and so now that I've finished I'm rather glad to have done so.

Thursday 16th June 2011
Welcome to the Land of Phutt

Over the last few months I have been working with my good friend Paul Bloom on an idea  called 'The Land of Phutt'. The finished book is still a long way off and so for now, though what follows represents little more than a taster of things to come, let me introduce you to the land of Phutt...

Tuesday 9th November 2010
The Roots of Influence and Inspiration - Part VI: Scribbling

This journal is the Sixth in a series of pieces I expect to write about
those certain 'elements' of life that inspire and influence my writing... ...I love scribbling in notebooks. The release that comes from opening up a satisfting stream of consciouness is, to me, one of the most magical elements of writing.

Saturday 9th October 2010
The Roots of Influence and Inspiration - Part V: Phasing of the Earth

This journal is the fifth in a series of pieces I expect to write about those certain 'elements' of life that inspire and influence my writing... ...This fifth journal in the series recognises the powerful influence of the cosmos. 

Thursday 9th September 2010
The Roots of Influence and Inspiration - Part IV: Dream

This journal is the forth in a series of pieces I expect to write about those certain 'elements' of life that inspire and influence my writing... ...This forth journal in the series highlights the importance of dream within my writing. 

Monday 9th August 2010
The Roots of Influence and Inspiration - Part III: Substance

This journal is the third in a series of pieces I expect to write about those certain 'elements' of life that inspire and influence my writing... ...This third journal in the series highlights my thoughts on the importance of maintaining substance in art.

Friday 9th July 2010
The Roots of Influence and Inspiration - Part II: Twisting Folklore

This journal is the second in a series of pieces I expect to write about those certain 'elements' of life that inspire and influence my writing... ...This second journal in the series will highlight the two most recent instances in which I've been inspired by folklore.

Saturday 12th June 2010
The Roots of Influence and Inspiration - Part I: Home

This journal is the first in a series of pieces I expect to write about those certain 'elements' of life that inspire and influence my writing... ...Home seems to me to be as good a place as any to start out from, and so, in accordance with the themes behind our new publication The Book of Apertures, I'm going to begin this series looking at my childhood home.

Monday 1st February 2010
Circle Time

Written by Sam Rawlings, and with illustrations by Dan Prescott, Circle Time is an exploration into the nature of human experience. It focuses upon the way our emotional lives spiral as we grow older, the ways in which the echoes of our past By Hope By Hope are carried through time.

This Journal Contains:
- An introduction to Circle Time
- Extracts from inside the book

Saturday 30th January 2010
The Book of Apertures

All Lazy Gramophone Press books are the result of collaborations between a pool of talented creatives, including authors, poets, illustrators, artists, editors, typesetters, and designers. The Book of Apertures is such a collaboration, and is the result of a project spanning two years, in which fourteen writers and poets have worked closely with nine illustrators to produce this collection of short stories, poems and artwork.

This journal contains:
- The Books of Apertures synopsis
- Full reviews of The Book of Apertures
- An introduction to the book
-  Writers and artists extracts from inside the book
- Writer interviews
- Links to The Book of Apertures live events
- Videos featuring writers readings from The Book of Apertures at our launch event

Thursday 28th January 2010

Independent Bookshops

Lazy Gramophone Press is a strong supporter of independent bookshops and has made many valuable links with stores both inside and outside of London. If you want to find a Lazy Gramophone Press Publication, we encourage you to use this list in order to help you explore your local bookshops.

Monday 25th January 2010
Finally Falling Through the Flames

This journal contains the poem Finally Falling Through the Flames, as found in my book of poetry
Circle Time. It also contains a video of the poem being read aloud.

Monday 25th January 2010
This Mourning I

This journal contains the poem This Mourning I, as found in my book of poetry
Circle Time. It also contains a video of the poem being read aloud.

Monday 25th January 2010
The Diminished

This journal contains the poem The Diminished, as found in my book of poetry
Circle Time.  The accompanying image is one of my own drawings. This journal also contains a video of the poem being read aloud.

Sunday 24th January 2010

This journal contains the poem Oxford, as found in my book of poetry
Circle Time. It also contains a video of the poem being read aloud.

Saturday 23rd January 2010

When I

This journal contains the poem When I, as found in my book of poetry
Circle Time. The accompanying image by Matt Black was based on the poem
and the two pieces were first published together in an early issue of
the Lazy Gramophone Shorts series. This journal also contains a video of the poem being read aloud.

Saturday 23rd January 2010
I Will Not

This journal contains the poem I Will Not, as found in my book of poetry
Circle Time. The accompanying image by Dan Prescott was based on the poem
and the two pieces were first published together in an early issue of
the Lazy Gramophone Shorts series.

Friday 22nd January 2010


This journal contains the poem Rebel, as found in my book of poetry
Circle Time. The accompanying image by Dan Prescott was based on the poem
and the two pieces were first published together in an early issue of
the Lazy Gramophone Shorts series.

Friday 22nd January 2010
By Hope

This journal contains the poem By Hope, as found in my book of poetry Circle Time. The accompanying image by Matt Black was based on the poem and the two pieces were first published together in an early issue of the Lazy Gramophone Shorts series.

When I When I