Satsuma Sun Mover Adam GreenA magical sift through the hoary old chestnuts of the coming-of-age story, Adam Greens first novel Satsuma Sun Mover charts the oft explored depths of a young mans soul with great wit and imagination. Fresh-faced, underweight and overdressed, TheoFintwistle embarks on a surreal journey to free mankind from the tyranny of the post-modern condition equipped only with a bizarre shopping list and youthful idealism. Rattling round the universe like a Murray mint in Gods pocket lining, Theo encounters a range of weird and wonderful characters who help him in his quest to free a humanity clutching onto unhappiness with fag-stained fingertips. In so doing he puts philosophy in an uncomfortable black chair and quizzes it until it bursts into tears. With brilliant ideas and hilarious writing throughout, this is a fantastic and accomplished debut."Satsuma Sun Mover is Adam Greens first novel but you wouldnt think that from its confident picaresque stance, somewhere on the hinterland between Beckett, Flann OBrien, and Saul Bellow."- Joe Ambrose, Outside Left Magazine"In Satsuma Sun-Mover everything ripe for ribbing receives a sharp elbow, whether its earnest scholars, stoned Rastafarians or over-zealous police."- Kris Rothstein, Broken Pencil"[A] hilariously implausible plot through which runs a strand of learned metaphysical inquiry marks its author as a new, subversive literary force think Fielding on amphetamines or Kingsley Amis on acid it may only attain cult status but it is a welcome and much needed addition to Britains great literary tradition"- Marjorie Jeung, Dont magazine |