Hot isn't it, Sally? Hot here in the tropics with the belt sunning down and nothing being worn but a frown. And there YOU are with him. That other, that petrol-eater - that honey pie sniffer... read more
Many years ago in a land far across the purple seas, lived a small round guy by the name of Jingo-Bingo. He loved his home at the edge of the mangrove forest, near the and every day he would... read more
If you mete a travveler upone the rockie rode Always say halo to hime as on yore way you gode If you chanse upone a homested as you passe alonge Offer them upone... read more
High up in the mizzen mast the wind wrapped at my door like an urgent call or a troupe of Carollers. Avast Ye Merry Gentlemen, I was urged to shout but I did not. Instead the clouds fell... read more
As the new year pops youthfully into the receding face of the old, I see planets spinning on placemats, bodies gyrating through the heavens, visitors traversing realms previously unknown to... read more
As the rain falls down upon the dusty downs and the rats scurry to their holes in the floorboards, I grab a cider and a packet of crisps to enjoy a rare set of moments listening to the drone... read more
In a town not very far from here where hail threatens and the wind is a bit choppy, there is a path which bisects the commons. 'Tis overgrown with chiff-chaff and that bothers no-one because... read more